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Sexual Orientation Discrimination Attorney in New York, NY

In the United States, there are federal laws that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean sexual orientation discrimination doesn't happen. In a recent survey by The Center for American Progress, more than one in three LGBTQ adults say they faced some kind of discrimination in the last 12 months.

Your sexual orientation should have nothing to do with how other people treat you in the workplace. If you have faced discrimination because of your sexual orientation at work, know that you’re not alone.

At J Goldman Law, we have been fighting for fairness and equality in the workplace since 1992. We have helped hundreds of LGBTQ employees of all backgrounds fight for justice and recover damages under New York state law. If you've been discriminated against at work due to being gay, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, asexual, or pansexual, we are here to help fight back.  

What Is Sexual Orientation Discrimination?

Sexual orientation discrimination occurs when an individual faces unfavorable treatment due to their sexual orientation. This can manifest in various settings, including workplaces, educational institutions, and public accommodations. The insidious nature of discrimination often makes it difficult to identify, as it can be based on overt actions or subtle biases. 

In many cases, sexual orientation discrimination is rooted in societal prejudices and stereotypes. When individuals are judged or treated unfairly because they identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, they not only suffer personal harm but also face barriers to career advancement and social acceptance. 

At J Goldman Law, we firmly believe in protecting the rights of everyone, regardless of who they love, and we are ready to help you assert those rights. 

Protections Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination in New York

New York State has laws that provide protections against sexual orientation discrimination. These laws ensure that individuals can pursue their careers without fear of prejudice. Here are some key legal protections: 

  • New York City Human Rights Law: The New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) explicitly prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, housing, and public accommodations. Under this law, individuals have the right to file complaints against discriminatory practices, ensuring that their voices are heard.  

  • Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act (SONDA): The Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act (SONDA) was enacted to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in various areas, including employment and housing. It fortifies protection for LGBTQ+ individuals and emphasizes the importance of fair treatment in all aspects of life.  

  • Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA): The Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) expands protections to include gender identity and expression, reinforcing the rights of individuals who may not conform to traditional gender norms. This act is particularly significant for transgender and non-binary individuals, ensuring they can live authentically without facing discrimination.  

Together, these laws create a protective framework that empowers individuals to stand up against discrimination based on sexual orientation. At J Goldman Law, our New York sexual orientation discrimination attorney is committed to helping you understand and leverage your rights.  

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Signs of Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace

Before taking action, it's important to recognize the signs of sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination may not always be obvious, and identifying subtle behaviors is crucial. Here’s a list of potential indicators: 

  • Hostile environment: Unwelcoming or offensive comments regarding sexual orientation. 

  • Unequal treatment: Certain colleagues receiving different treatment based on their sexual orientation. 

  • Lack of advancement opportunities: Denial or rejection of promotions or raises due to your sexual orientation. 

  • Invasive questions: Personal inquiries about your sexual orientation that make you feel uncomfortable. 

  • Exclusion from activities: Being left out of team events or gatherings due to your sexual orientation. 

  • Retaliation: Facing negative consequences after reporting discriminatory behavior. 

  • Harassment: Persistent unwanted remarks or actions related to your sexual orientation. 

  • Job segregation: Being assigned to less desirable tasks or roles based on your sexual orientation. 

  • Negative performance reviews: Unfair evaluations tied to your sexual orientation. 

  • Bullying: Co-workers using slurs or derogatory language. 

  • Inconsistent policies: Policies that are enforced selectively based on sexual orientation. 

Being aware of these signs can help you take action and seek the protection you deserve. At J Goldman Law, we are here to assist you in recognizing and addressing any discriminatory behavior you may encounter. 

Damages Available for Sexual Orientation Discrimination

If you experience sexual orientation discrimination, you may be entitled to several types of damages depending on the circumstances of your case. Understanding what you could potentially recover can help you make informed decisions regarding your legal options. Some of the damages that may be available include:  

  • Front pay 

  • Back pay 

  • Reinstatement 

  • Legal and attorney’s fees 

  • Non-economic damages (emotional distress and others) 

  • Policy changes and training 

  • Punitive damages to punish the employer for unlawful actions 

At J Goldman Law, we are dedicated to helping you pursue the compensation you deserve for the harm you've endured. Reach out today to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose J Goldman Law?

At J Goldman Law, we strongly believe there is no place for discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation at work. Unfortunately, workplace discrimination against people who identify as LGBTQ is still far too common.

Although it’s common, it doesn't mean you should tolerate it and pretend it didn’t happen. Our New York sexual orientation discrimination lawyer is here to stand up for your rights, and we're committed to helping you find justice and obtain financial recovery through the legal system.  

J Goldman Law stands at the forefront of the fight against unfairness and injustices. When you choose us, you can expect: 

  • Protecting workers’ rights since 1992: With over three decades of experience, we have built a solid reputation for advocating for workers’ rights.  

  • Efficient solutions: We understand that time is of the essence when dealing with discrimination claims.  

  • Compassionate and personalized service: Every case is unique, which is why we take the time to listen to your story and concerns to help you develop a personalized approach that meets your needs. 

  • Dedicated support: We provide ongoing support throughout the entire process, keeping you informed and involved every step of the way. 

  • Millions of dollars recovered for clients: Our case wins speak for themselves. We have successfully recovered millions of dollars for our clients, demonstrating our dedication to achieving justice for those who have suffered from discrimination.  

  • Commitment to empowering fairness in the workplace: We believe in the importance of a fair workplace for everyone. Our mission is not only to fight for individual rights but to contribute to broader societal change.  

When you work with us, you can rest assured that we will be the strength in your corner. Live with pride—we’ve got your back!  

Sexual Orientation Discrimination Attorney Serving New York, NY

Our office is located in Midtown Manhattan, not far away from the Empire State Building and near Madison Avenue. We serve clients throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Upper West Side, Staten Island, Harlem, Hell’s Kitchen, East Village, and all across New York County. Call our office today and schedule a free consultation so we can listen to your story and advise you on how to proceed.